Here's the code you've already written for this game.
Click Run to play the game. Explore the code and make sure you remember how it works. If you customized your game at the end of the last lesson, you can use copy-paste to bring in your own code. Highlight the text you want and press ctrl + c . Click where you want to put the text, and press ctrl + v .
To navigate the page using the TAB key, first press ESC to exit the code editor.
score = 0
score_board = codesters.Display(score)
weak_pws = ["password", "password123", "123456", "hello1", "snuffles", "emma2003"]
strong_pws = ["GgbvTa581!@", "@Mjrc0olguy!", "007jmSB0nd!", "108turt!es762", "Avv3SoMe!305"]
all_pws = strong_pws + weak_pws
password = codesters.Text("password")
def interval():
rand_x = random.randint(-225, 225)
rand_y = random.randint(-225, 225)
rand_pw = random.choice(all_pws)
password.go_to(rand_x, rand_y)
stage.event_interval(interval, 3)
def click(sprite):
global score
pw_text = password.get_text()
if pw_text in weak_pws:
score -= 1
if pw_text in strong_pws:
score += 1
rand_x = random.randint(-240, 240)
rand_y = random.randint(-240, 240)
rand_pw = random.choice(all_pws)
password.go_to(rand_x, rand_y)
if score == 10:
text = codesters.Text("You Win!", 0, 150, "red")
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